I conducted an Open registration coding dojo in Pune, last Saturday. This was a short four hour dojo.
The topic for the dojo was Dave Thomas' Kata Eight. As always we started with a discussion and design session and started coding. As we worked on the solution, several interesting learning opportunities came up:
Designing for readability
Using the decorators in Java's IO library
Using various collection classes and understanding their performance characteristics
Iterating through collections using an Iterator (we will also touch upon the Iterator design pattern)
Design tradeoffs to make code faster
Various coding conventions
Some programming best practices
Refactoring support in Eclipse
Many thanks to ITVidya.com for organizing the dojo and to Pune IT Labs for hosting it.
Participants feedback showed that everyone though coding dojos offer a much better learning mechanism than traditional lectures. Everyone enjoyed the practice oriented approach. Some people found the exercise a bit simple and said they would prefer to deal with more complex topics like "web based development" and "Enterprise Java". Some participants would have prefered a greater time duration.
Thanks to all the participants for your feedback. I will try and incorporate your suggestions in forthcoming dojo sessions.
Please stay tuned if you would like to participate in the next open dojo. I will announce it here as soon as soon as the date is finalized.
Note: This text was originally posted on my earlier blog at http://www.adaptivelearningonline.net
Here are the comments from the original post
AUTHOR: Freeman Murray
URL: http://wheresfreeman.blogspot.com
DATE: 05/15/2007 05:12:55 AM
This is great !! When is the next one ?
DATE: 05/15/2007 06:01:16 AM
Hello Freeman,
Thanks for your comment and interest in the coing dojo. I do plan to have an open registration dojo again, but have not yet been able to set a date.
I will announce it on this website as soon as I am able to schedule it.