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Showing posts from September, 2005

Java Assignment - Milestone 6

Details for Milestone 6: Create class Student which has the following characteristics: Attributes: String name; String surname; String id; List course; Methods: Create getters/setters for the above attributes (including the course attribute). public void addCourse(Course c) { //This method should add the course to the list } public void deleteCourse(Course c) { //This method should delete the specified course from the List of courses. } It is NOT necessary to write any test classes.

Java Assignment - Milestone 5

What a great way to communicate with students: Here are the details for Milestone 5: You have to create 3 classes - Details for the classes are as follows. contains attributes already discussed. Each attribute should have a getter and setter. You do NOT need to write a test class for contains attributes already discussed. Each attribute should have a getter and setter. You do NOT need to write a test class for contains the following attributes and methods. Attributes: private List courses public static final courseListDetailsFile=""; Methods: public CourseListProvider() //constructer private List buildCourseList() This method will read the contents of the courselist.txt file and build Course objects. Each Course object will be associated with a schedule object to represent the schedule.