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Showing posts from April, 2012

Creating an Eclipse web project using Maven and Struts 1.x

I am doing some Struts work after a long time. Interestingly it is for a Test Driven Development training. A client wants me to do a hands on session, using Struts 1.x, and EJB's. They also want to do the hands on sessions with a small but production project. It seems their developers are tired of Calculator and Shape projects :-) Well I can't really blame them. I have been planning to create some micro applications around . I hope to create each application using a different technology, so I can have several reference points for teaching. For this session I am going to make a web application which will store and display my slides. I am sure you are thinking ... but why not just use SlideShare ? Well besides the fact that I think this makes a great application that is small, but also production quality. Ideal for using to teach. But there are other reasons as well. It is very hard to embed code snippets on Slideshare. Slideshare also does not support co...