Since my formal education, a lot of advances have taken place in software development. I have been able to keep up with a few with regular reading and practice. But a lot of this learning has been a bit random, and as a result a bit dissipated as well. I feel like I want to engage in continuous learning, in a more organized manner. Over the years there are several core concepts which I have forgotten because I have not been able to use them in my regular work. I feel like relearning those concepts. I think the volume and content of both these can constitute a masters course in Computer Science. But I do not want to go back to school. Not because there is anything wrong with school - I had a great time in grad school. But here's why... I don't want to go back to school because I want to define the courses I want to learn, and not pick up from what's offered. I don't want to go back to school because I want to be able to learn at my own pace, which at times may be slower ...
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