Details for Milestone 6:
Create class Student which has the following characteristics:
String name;
String surname;
String id;
List course;
Create getters/setters for the above attributes (including the course attribute).
public void addCourse(Course c) {
//This method should add the course to the list
public void deleteCourse(Course c) {
//This method should delete the specified course from the List of courses.
It is NOT necessary to write any test classes.
Create class Student which has the following characteristics:
String name;
String surname;
String id;
List course;
Create getters/setters for the above attributes (including the course attribute).
public void addCourse(Course c) {
//This method should add the course to the list
public void deleteCourse(Course c) {
//This method should delete the specified course from the List of courses.
It is NOT necessary to write any test classes.