Would you like to engage in web based informal learning, rather than learning in a classroom? There are several advantages in doing so:
- You can learn at your time, place, and pace
- You can engage in more reflection, which will enable a better learning experience, more retention, and clearer perspectives
- Statistics show that classroom based corporate training just does not work
There are several resources (free as well as paid) that will help you in your learning endevours. I will publish links to such learning resources constantly on this blog. Here's one to start with.
Sang Shin facilitates free online Java courses on his Java Passion website. It's really neat.
If you are curious about what informal learning is and why it is better than formal learning, you may also want to check out Jay Cross' blog, and this webpage.
Notes: This text was originally posted on my earlier blog at http://www.adaptivelearningonline.net
Here are the comments from the original post
AUTHOR: Ramesh
DATE: 08/21/2006 08:56:54 PM
Nice information. Thanks a ton..Keep it up !!
AUTHOR: Sachin More
EMAIL: sachin_more@omniscientweb.com
DATE: 08/23/2006 04:25:24 PM
No doubt informal learning is anytime better then formal!,
The only thing I felt is you should be very clear what you want to learn, and thats about it.
DATE: 08/23/2006 05:14:08 PM
That was a good observation. In a formal learning scenario you are lead by a coach, it is analogous to being in a school bus, where the route is fixed.
Informal learning on the other hand is like riding a bicycle. You are on your own. This gives tremendous power but also comes with a responsibility to take charge of your learning requirments.
It is very important to first make a plan, then identify resources, and then stick to the plan with discipline, unless there is a good reason to swerve.
AUTHOR: A.K.Purandare
DATE: 06/24/2007 01:11:23 PM
Dear Parag,
Your description brings out the fact that for the learners who are not matured enough(Say in a particular field) class room training may bring satisfaction.while for advanced learner there is no equivalent to on line learning .
DATE: 06/25/2007 05:30:44 AM
For an advanced learner, someone who knows what they are looking for, self motivated and self led learning usually works out best. Online is good because it allows the the learner to connect with resources (information as well as mentors) online. This is a big advantage, since it makes collaboration very simple.
Someone who is not yet as mature, will need more hand holding and guidance, which usually happens best in the classroom ( if at all :-) )